The new series, which does not yet have a release date, will explore the origin story of the Mystery Inc. gang.
In her PhD research, Anouk Neerincx investigated how robots can help reduce stress, how they can get children to talk about their health and how they can teach children emotional skills.
The Savannah River Native Plant Society will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 27, at the Aiken County Public Library, 314 ...
As a child, Nadim, her mother and her four sisters fled Taliban-ruled Afghanistan after her father was executed and arrived ...
We are finally starting to warm up but April Showers will soon be here. It looks like a good weekend to be indoors. The ...
The Center for the Arts of Homer was built as the First Baptist Church in 1893. It's now home to a 400-seat theater; dance, ...
“The goal is not to continue to spend the same amount of money but just in a different way; it’s ultimately to phase out spending … and make it more difficult and more expensive for kids to ...
Colorado Eagles vs. Bakersfield Condors: 7:05 p.m., Blue Arena, 5290 Arena Circle, Loveland. $32 and up, 970-686-7468, ...
It's spring break in Bloomington, which means townies have good reason to get out and enjoy the city. Whether you want to ...
Colorado Eagles, Lunch Lab free meals for kids and a talk on Rocky Mountain National Park history are on the calendar for Tuesday in the Loveland area.
Known far and near as the home of Pennsylvania’s longest nighttime parade at Halloween, Meadville also provides marching occasions more modest in scope, even one that could legitimately be described ...