Brazilian artist Gustavo Nazareno left Minas Gerais for São Paulo because his aunt, a practitioner of the Afro-Brazilian ...
Also on the calendar is a new work looking at the life of Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe, and the return of Brazil’s mesmerizing Grupo Corpo.
Elsewhere, an Umbanda priestess named Mother Fernanda -- the practitioner of another Afro-Brazilian religion -- tearfully assesses damage to her vandalized temple, where sacred items were ...
Atelier broderie à Tropisme en ville, "Toucher terre" au cinéma Diagonal, Médée à l’Opéra Comédie, Grupo Corpo à l’Opéra ...
From it came samba, funk music, and Umbanda, a religion of African origin. I wanted to show also this richness and this glamour. There's so much to see that is beyond carnival, but I am very proud ...
S10E43 - Verrückt nach Meer : Das Abenteuer Rio de Janeiro geht weiter. Über die bunten Kachelstufen der Escadaria Selaron ...
Discriminations et violences Une intolérance parfois plus subtile : Isabela Menezes Antas, cheffe spirituelle de l'Academia de Umbanda (une version moderne du candomblé), dénonce des formes de ...
Antonio Obá’s art invites you to pause, reflect, and confront. It’s a visceral investigation into the layers of Brazilian ...