He had no family history of bowel cancer. Colonoscopy to the terminal ileum revealed a broad-based smooth polypoid mass in the transverse colon (figure 1). Palpation using biopsy forceps showed that ...
The scale rates three sections of the colon, right (cecum and ascending colon), mid-colon (transverse and descending ... The resection of small polyps (<1 cm) is probably safe in patients taking ...
Adenomatous polyps typically do not cause symptoms unless they progress to colon cancer. Even then, there may be no sign of a problem until the malignancy is advanced. This is why colon cancer ...
while in those with normal colon or hyperplastic polyp a five year screening is performed. In the largest series 25% of adenomas and 50% of carcinomas occurred in the ascending or transverse colon. 25 ...
91.2% [n=59] of HGD polyps were found within the distal colon [splenic flexure to rectum] and 8.8% [n=5] were found proximally [caecum to transverse colon]. At subsequent follow up/surveillance ...
The abdominal ultrasound showed a hypoechogenic mass in the right hypochondrium, corresponding to a colo-colonic intussusception on CT, associated with multiple polyps throughout the whole colon ...
Anatomical Landmarks,Camera Frame,Changes In Position,Colon Wall,Colorectal Polyps,Computer-aided Diagnosis,Corresponding Points,Diffeomorphism,Elastic Deformation ...