After a recent reading of one of my nonfiction graphic narratives, a French woman came up to me and called me a vulgarizer of ...
We continued our assault on unsuspecting verbs when we wrote ... The act of regaling is always transitive (meaning, in essence, that it passes from one thing to another), so it has to be ...
In another example, the Washington Post's Ella Brockway took the transitive property to the extreme and detailed how by several steps the 4-8 Northwestern Wildcats are this year's national champions.
This educational essay offers a holistic, or biomental, perspective—First Verb Efficacy—on emotional learning in children and ...
A singular noun is a noun referring to just one person or thing, for example 'cat'. When you want to show that something belongs to that person or thing, you add a possessive apostrophe and an 's'.
Which verbs do we use with 'problem'?
In a dark coincidence, the researchers point to California's current catastrophe as a timely example of their recently published findings. "In that publication, fairly incredibly, we use the example ...
However, did you know a lot of the bots you have been using are actually examples of artificial intelligence? The bot has been designed to mimic human-like responses and perform a variety of tasks.
See (1) and (2) for an example of a subject RC, and (3) and (4) for an example of an object RC in Cantonese and Mandarin respectively. In fact, pre-nominal RCs plus SVO main clause word order is a ...
This analysis showed that hierarchical relationships between general categories and atypical examples, such as organism and plant, did not seem to be reflected in representations measured by BOLD fMRI ...