Introduced in 2016 after 25 years of study at the University of Georgia, TifTuf Bermuda is drought-resistant and needs far ...
Introduced in 2016 after 25 years of study at the University of Georgia, TifTuf Bermuda is drought-resistant and needs far less water. The United States Golf Association has cited it as an ...
The upgrades include: a state-of-the-art irrigation system, new USGA spec green complexes with TifEagle Bermuda, new tee boxes with Zeon Zoysia, new fairway grass with TifTuf Bermuda, renovation ...
Greens now feature TifEagle ultradwarf bermuda. The fairways were tilled, levelled and replanted with TifTuf bermuda, which requires 35 per cent less water from the new irrigation system. In order to ...