A woman and a man have been jailed for an armed robbery at the Best Choice Store on Norwich Road in Lowestoft.
In “Jane Austen’s Bookshelf,” rare-book dealer Rebecca Romney discovers overlooked women authors who inspired the famous ...
Emmerdale fans are convinced they know who the father of April Windsor's baby is after the character's tragic stillbirth.
EDMONTON – Mounties say they thwarted two illegal border crossings in Alberta this week, with nine people detained and ...
How Racist Policies Undermine Black Homeownership in America," she investigates Detroit’s tax foreclosure crisis and examines ...
Birthing and grieving at the same time is a trauma which “lasts a lifetime”, an MP has warned in her call to do away with the “ridiculous” bureaucracy which unmarried parents face. Caroline Voaden ...
Orlin Roussev, a Kremlin agent, is said to have been the “leader” of the alleged spy operation from a guest house in Great Yarmouth.
Their nuptials were a second marriage for them both, and they ... her interview with ABC News Correspondent John Quiñones, Helmick claimed that she saw suspicious cars driving around her property ...
11 trophies from the U.S. and French Opens were taken overnight Wednesday January 15, along with a number of family photos. They came back ... about a mile from her property.
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Wayne N White Jr, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (THE CONVERSATION) Private ...
Years after Jane's death in 1817 from an unknown illness, Cassandra, to whom her sister had written most days when they were apart ... she fell in love with the book immediately.