A gender studies professor in Virginia whose latest work focuses on rape and sexual assault in the Scriptures is leading a ...
David took another man's wife and arranged for her husband's death, yet he was called a man after God's own heart (2 Samuel ...
Ashes in the Bible serve as symbolic physical reminders ... For context, here are some Old Testament verses in order of appearance: “And Tamar put ashes on her head and tore the long robe ...
Because Matthew, and the Bible writ large, dish dirt about biblical heroes to ... And what a list of women! Tamar, who ...
“The Bible is full of women doing incredibly significant ... Then there’s the story of Tamar who, in the Book of Genesis, seduced her father-in-law Judah; the union led to the royal line ...
John Chrysostom, Homilies on Matthew 62:3 (A.D. 391). "But I wonder why he [the heretic Jovinianus] set Judah and Tamar before us for an example, unless perchance even harlots give him pleasure ...
Tamar snaps back that wearing these jewels is ... stainless steel “Chosen” tumblers, a “Chosen” Bible study guide, a “Chosen” fishermen’s blend coffee, or a rubber wristband ...