One of the easiest flowers to grow from seed, annual sweet peas are hugely satisfying to grow, rewarding with a wealth of showy flowers emerging from the tiniest round seed, all within a matter of ...
By BECKY LIVERMORE, Master Gardener The first annual vines in the ground at our place are sweet peas — Lathyrus odoratur. During a well-organized spring, I start them indoors in pots.
"Sweet Pea Queen" Marryn Mathis, the owner of The Farmhouse Flower Farm, has written a beautiful new book to share her ...
Sweet peas are incredibly fragrant vining flowers that come in a variety of colors, mostly pastels. They are an annual flower so they must be planted again every year. You can sow seeds anytime ...
Project Sweet Peas provides more than just gifts. It provides food and fuel funding, bereavement support and memory boxes and resources needed by NICU families. For more information on Project Sweet ...