"Kiss of the Spider Woman," which premiered Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival, captures the poignant drama of the original ...
Jennifer Lopez is a vamping diva in Bill Condon's 'Kiss of the Spider Woman,' a musical movie in search of something better.
Reports about what might have gone down in Amazing Spider-Man 3 have been trickling out in the years since it was cancelled, ...
Jennifer Lopez exclaims she’s been waiting to star a feature movie musical, “My whole life!” Finally that day has come with ...
From indie horror to a musical, here are 12 must-see films at this year's Sundance Film Festival, running Jan. 23 to Feb. 2 ...
What If...? star Hudson Thames reprises his role as Peter Parker in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and the actor has ...
The character was originally supposed to be played by Tom Holland back when it was a tie-in for Marvel’s MCU Spider-Man ...
Director Bill Condon’s off-putting movie, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, is a visual and narrative mess; ...
Featuring Spider-Man heavily connected to S.H.I.E.L.D., it eventually offered up its own animated version of the comic book’s ...
"Magic Farm," which premiered Tuesday at the Sundance Film Festival, is a comedy with a misguided premise that becomes ...
Jennifer Lopez talked about 'Kiss of the Spider Woman' and why musical theater was her first true passion before pop music.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is hours away from its debut on Disney Plus, so make sure you know when it’s dropping.