It’s another year of high-profile animated sequels, led by Disney’s “Zootopia 2,” DreamWorks’ “The Bad Guys 2,” and Nickelodeon/Paramount’s “The SpongeBob Movie: Search for Square Pants” and the ...
In light of recent events, it might be a good time to remember a very simple truth: Nazis are ALWAYS the bad guys.
The 2010s were a treasure trove of groundbreaking films that are now considered modern classics, from the legendary Parasite ...
Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell starring in the wedding comedy “You’re Cordially Invited” and The Weeknd’s album “Hurry Up ...
Super Bowl generally translates into big box office. However, there are only three motion picture studios —Disney, Paramount and Universal— who are willing to pony up $7.5M-$8M for a 30-second spot on ...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has finally swung onto Disney+ so our Spidey experts have been on an Easter egg hunt.