Whie skyr and Greek yogurt are both thick, white, and creamy, one factor in the way that they are made sorts them into very ...
A light dessert featuring gelatin, skyr, and raspberries is an ideal choice for a refreshing snack. The blend of sweet ...
French food and drink group Sill Entreprises has snapped up Lyon-based skyr maker Puffy's for an undisclosed sum. In a ...
Forseti Íslands er vön ýmsum sveitastörfum því hún var í sveit í Skagafirði, sem barn og unglingur þar sem hún lærði meðal annars að strokka smjör, búa til skyr og hún sá um að gefa hænunum alla matar ...
Studies show walking 160 minutes a day at 3 mph may boost life expectancy by over 5 years and reduce disease risk.
„Þú hefur bara visst mikinn tíma til að ákveða hvenær þú hættir í landsliðinu. Á endanum verður það bara ákveðið fyrir þig,“ ...
Danone has expanded its dairy portfolio with the launch of a branded, non-HFSS Skyr range for the UK market. Available in yoghurt and drink variants, Danone Skyr is an Icelandic-style yoghurt that ...
French food and drink group Sill Entreprises has snapped up Lyon-based skyr maker Puffy’s for an undisclosed sum. In a statement on LinkedIn, Brittany-based Sill Entreprises said the deal allows ...
Agnar Tómas Möller, sagnfræðinemi og fjárfestir, var gestur í viðskiptahluta Dagmála sem sýndur er á mbl.is. Þar var rætt um ...
Which countries have surprisingly good - or bad - cuisine? That's a question that Reddit users have been trying to answer.
Costco is famous for carrying an impressive assortment of asian food in the freezer section. Shoppers are going wild over ...