Protesty Slovensko je Európa sa konali v Bratislave, Banskej Bystrici a v ďalších mestách na Slovensku (dnes 7.2.) proti ...
Na Námestie slobody prišla aj vysokoškoláčka Sofia Hederová. Na Slovensku je len chvíľu, študovala v zahraničí.
Petržalčan a penzista Zdenko Tichý prišiel na protest na Námestí slobody z vlastnej vôle. “Nikto mi nezaplatil,” hovorí.
Now that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not going according to plan for the Kremlin, the Russian authorities are concentrating all the more on propaganda for children and young people - they ...
In Roblox Z Piece, previously known as Sea Destiny, players dive into a world inspired by the popular anime series One Piece. Participants can create characters to embark on seafaring adventures as ...
Sú to skutočne podivné zjavy a nemožno chápať, či sa vyskytujú z úplnej netaktnosti ... 3 sa tešil s rodinou na novoročnú pečienku, ale, ačkoľvek prasiatko je symbol šťastia, v deň nového roku tento ...
New Delhi, Jan. 16 -- Akharas' Vibrant Flags Symbols of Strength and Identity Delhi can't keep calm as Virat Kohli takes field Woman who went on 150 dates shares 13 lessons she learnt: Clueless ...
Thankfully the symbols they use are (mostly) universal, so once you've learned what each represents (as we explain below) you shouldn't have any problems no matter what you find in your laundry basket ...
If you’re on the lookout for Best Z-Library Alternatives after the website went offline then you have landed on the correct webpage. Z-Library is often described as the largest online library in the ...
After a performance of the Nutcracker was recently performed in Belgrade, several members of the cast demonstrated by showing the audience symbols used by the Hamas terrorist organization ...
Tento útok na kataster nie je len technická chyba – je to symbol zlyhania vlády ... Ak by sa naplnil najhorší scenár a dáta z katastra by boli stratené bez adekvátnej zálohy, malo by to na Slovensko ...