Chair of the Department of Cell, Developmental and Cancer Biology of the Knight Cancer Institute at the Oregon Health and ...
Festival of Speed, The Goodwood Education Trust hosted a collection of engaging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and ...
If you are interested in attending the seminars or potentially getting on the spring schedule or fall wait list, please email Blake LeBaron. The Brandeis Data Science Initiative launched a new seminar ...
The Georgia Gosnell Seminar Series showcases speakers with broad expertise across the life sciences who present ongoing research on topics that include ecological sustainability, education, evolution, ...
The closest entrance is on Exhibition Road. with an interest in the specialist subject matter. Seminars are held in areas of the Museum that aren't open to the public so external attendees will need ...
practicum project and class participation. The Practicum/Seminar is required for Advanced Certificate programs within the MSLIS in archives and in museum libraries.
Seminar: Special Topics in Honors offers students the opportunity to engage in depth with a subject that is of special interest in an Honors-level seminar. The course will address an inquiry-based ...
She was awarded the "Young French Talent" prize by the L'Oréal-UNESCO Foundation For Women in Science. Note that this seminar is joint with Department of Mathematics. Title: Addressing multiplicity ...