On Friday, the public gave spirited testimony on a bill requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public schools.
The unsuitable nominees are obviously trying to backpedal just enough to get confirmed without any true change in their worldviews.
Christian artist Shauna Elon shares her powerful journey from surviving gun violence to creating soul-touching music with her ...
Anglican Bishop John Perumbalath of Liverpool resigned amid harassment and sexual assault allegations, which he denied, ...
Local showman and lay preacher Steve Foster left a legacy of love — love for inmates at the regional jail, love for his ...
Kim Davis’ attorney said she had qualified immunity as a former county clerk and should not have to pay compensatory damages ...
Two bills proposing South Dakota start new school choice finance options were both killed in the House Education Committee on Wednesday.
Among them was “an act involving penetration of a minor” — a boy aged nine at the time of the events — who did not wish the details of his testimony to be specified. Further reading ...
Questioned for hours by homicide detectives, a devout mother said hoped her lifeless daughter would “stand up in front of the ...
The strength displayed by the four returning soldiers held hostage was evident from the moment that Hamas brought them out of ...
Christian evangelist Mario Murillo’s parting words to a large audience gathered at the new Radiant Church in Colorado Springs ...
"Rejection on Purpose" is the second book Maxie has so graciously submitted to me in the past year. Just like "Fool Proof: ...