The Vera C. Rubin Observatory is set to revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos by detecting millions of exploding stars — Type Ia supernovae — over the next decade. These brilliant explosions ...
A research team at the , Academia Sinica (ASIAA) has achieved groundbreaking insights into the physics of supernova shockwaves. Using the powerful Kawas computing cluster at ASIAA, the team conducted ...
Thank God we have sports to serve as a narcotic to numb the pain of real life. Just look at the spontaneous joy erupting ...
JWST revealed a massive star that ended its life in an explosion when the universe was just a cosmic toddler.
We expect that if axions are real, core collapse supernovae (all types other than ... but the majority of explosions in one of the satellite galaxies that surround ours would also be suitable ...
Explore HubbleHubble HomeOverviewAbout HubbleThe History of HubbleHubble TimelineWhy Have a Telescope in Space?Hubble by the ...
An international team of scientists have modelled formation and evolution of strongest magnetic fields in the Universe.Led by scientists from ...
If a star orbits a black hole, it will appear from a distance to be orbiting empty space. Gaia projects the star’s orbit on a ...
The last to be observed in real time was spotted by Johannes Kepler in 1604 ... or it has an exceptionally strong magnetic field, its eventual supernova explosion will be highly collimated and almost ...
Two stars in Wolf-Rayet 140 collide, forming carbon-rich dust. Webb captured 17 expanding dust shells, revealing ...