Topping the girls division is defending champions MGM with eight gold, six silver and three bronze, while RSMS follows ...
Loata Bau Lewageena of Ratu Sukuna Memorial School has broken the Coca-Cola Games intermediate discus record in the Suva Zone ...
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial School currently leads the girls division of the Suva Zone One Athletics competition, while Kalabu ...
The vibrant sounds of music will once again fill the air at Ratu Sukuna Park today as the Vude Queen, Laisa Vulakoro, alongside some of Fiji’s most beloved female artists take the stage to ...
Now that Jujutsu Kaisen's manga has ended, Sukuna's fate has finally been revealed, and the fanbase is divided.
Sukuna is the most powerful sorcerer ever, and he was even worshiped in the Heian Era. What exactly did he do back then?
Dismantle, an invisible slash attack, is Sukuna's most powerful ability, capable of killing anyone if fully charged. Sukuna's ...
Ratu Meta, seorang penyanyi dangdut yang terkenal dengan goyangan oleng, telah meraih popularitas berkat lagu-lagunya yang hits, seperti Ditinggalin Kawin. Meskipun telah dikenal luas, perjalanan ... - Ratu Meta, penyanyi dangdut dengan ciri khas goyangan oleng, dikenal luas berkat single hits-nya seperti Ditinggalin Kawin. Namun, di balik popularitasnya, Ratu Meta memiliki ...
JAKARTA - Biodata Ratu Meta menuai sorotan setelah dirinya mengklaim sebagai korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) dari suaminya, Yogi Renaldi. Hal itu diungkap melalui media sosial lewat sebuah ...