How Many Sea Otters Does It Take To Form a “Raft”? It only takes two sea otters holding paws to be considered a raft. In the wild, sea otter rafts may be made up of just a few otters or over 100.
In the 20th century, California sea otters — also called southern sea otters — had almost disappeared and were believed extinct until a small group (or “raft”) of them appeared off the coast of Big ...
researchers have been able to document the impacts of sea otters on the ocean environment as their populations recover and move north (in what the researchers call "rafts of foraging otters").
By holding onto one another, they create a sort of floating raft, making it easier to remain together as a group. Additionally, sea otters are very social animals, and this means that staying ...
Once hunted to the brink of extinction, sea otters have recolonized Glacier ... is a lot easier than tallying them on the fly. Otters are social creatures that congregate in flotillas, or “rafts,” ...