When you get a van insurance quote you need to choose a class of use. You should select the class of use according to how you use your van. Here's what you need to know about the meaning of classes of ...
DIEMEN - Twee jongens van 15 en 16 jaar hebben dinsdag onder bedreiging van een vuurwapen gelijkend voorwerp een tabakswinkel in winkelcentrum Kruidenhof in Diemen-Zuid overvallen. De overval mislukt ...
Op de Ouddiemerlaan in Diemen heeft dinsdagmiddag een aanrijding plaatsgevonden, waarbij mogelijk één of meerdere personen gewond zijn geraakt. De eerste melding kwam vlak na twee uur in de middag bij ...
The South Australian Skills Commission (SASC) declared Team Van Diemen SA Pty Limited a prohibited employer after it failed to provide both on and off-job support to its trainees and apprentices ...
Get ready to see more electric delivery vans in your neighborhood and on the road. EV Rivian will begin selling its big-box commercial vans to customers other than Amazon in February. Customers ...
Honig: Trump is using same theory with federal workers that he used to 'stiff' real estate contractors ...
Van Aert had to work his way through the field on a fast course, reaching the front group halfway through the eight-lap race. The 30-year-old then had to close a gap to Lars Van der Haar and Eli ...
Not all van conversions are built the same, and certainly not many can hold a candle to the custom work that comes out of Nomadik Customs, which is often described as "art on wheels." Even if ...
A retro Volkswagen van has inadvertently become a "beacon of hope" for Los Angeles area residents as they start to pick up the pieces. Surrounded by total destruction, photos appear to show the ...
Terrill captured an image that would go viral as a "beacon of hope" — an apparently unscathed, baby-blue, retro Volkswagen van parked on a street amongst the burnt rubble of a Malibu ...
actief zijn geweest in Diemen-Zuid. De klusjesmannen worden ook wel Irish Travellers genoemd. “Helaas hebben wij van onze wijkagenten vernomen dat er weer Irish Travellers actief zijn in de wijk.