King Tharypas of Epirus, the pioneering ruler who Hellenized the Molossian kingdom, shaped its cultural, political and ...
Arta will be the center of attention in Greece and Europe on Sunday, May 11, as visitors and locals will have the opportunity ...
Pyrrhus of Epirus, apart from being a great general, was a visionary statesman who transformed Epirus through political reforms, cultural patronage and urban development. Credit: Catalaon / Public ...
History has long been written based on the documents and possessions left by the dead. Those who wrote and owned little have often been overlooked. Archaeology is teaming with preservationists to ...
Phthia of Epirus was married to Aeacides, Epirus’s king, and was the mother of Pyrrhus, one of the most famous Hellenistic generals and rulers. Her role as queen consort positioned her in the heart of ...
The Sicilian Agathocles, a man not only of obscure but lowly and abject origins, became king of Syracuse. The son of a potter ...
Confirmations and returns in the Cappello d'Oro Master Amatori circuit, conceived and managed by Demetrio Iommi, president of ...
Ascending the throne after the death of Aeacides, Neoptolemus II faced challenges to his authority, particularly from factions loyal to Pyrrhus, his younger cousin. The rivalry between Neoptolemus and ...
That date range leaves out the study of ancient warriors, at least one of whom may still be relevant to VMI today: Pyrrhus, the Greek king and general who we remember with the term “Pyrrhic victory,” ...