Biserica Greco-Catolică din Cigmău, în care a slujit tatăl și fratele lui Ioan Budai Deleanu,  în curtea căreia se jucau ...
În schimb, fațetele sunt o soluție ideală dacă ai dinți sever pătați, care nu răspund bine la tratamentele de albire, vrei să ...
Languages: English. You can get in touch with Alyce by emailing [email protected] Social media users can't get enough of a dog enjoying his first pup cup, which a restaurant staffer offered him.
În opinia sa, ”putem face asta programat, etapizat sau putem amâna lucrurile, să credem că ele se vor rezolva de la sine, ele nu se vor rezolva și atunci când va apărea o recesiune ...
MYSTIC, Conn. (WFSB) - Chappy, the seal pup found in downtown New Haven, is making small improvements after being treated for pneumonia and gastrointestinal issues. Mystic Aquarium said Chappy’s ...
When Shanghai-based designer Guo Qingshan posted a vacation photo on Valentine’s Day and captioned it “Puppy Mountain,” it became a sensation in China and even created a tourist destination.
On Valentine's Day, they posted the photo on the Chinese social media app RedNote and captioned it "Puppy Mountain." The post garnered a viral response from followers, per AP. "It was so ...
The pup’s abdomen was firm and distended. On Feb. 16, veterinarians at the Corona Animal Emergency Center performed abdominal exploratory surgery on Luna and removed a staggering 44 objects.
“OMG I want to be their bus driver!! I’m getting a puppy suit so I can fit in,” someone commented in all caps. “I didn’t realize that people would like them as much as they do,” Godley sai ...
Now, Ana is celebrating his 17th birthday with a sweet post on social media. "My little precious boy Elvis, happy 17th ...