Starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, Daaku Maharaaj wrapped its theatrical run with Rs 115 crore gross globally. Balayya is now gearing up for Akhanda 2.
Pragya Jaiswal has previously worked with Nandamuri Balakrishna in two films: Akhanda and Daaku Maharaaj. She is the lead ...
Pragya Jaiswal shuts down age gap criticism in Daaku Maharaaj, saying on-screen chemistry matters more. She recalls similar concerns in Akhanda and praises Balakrishna’s professionalism.
Pragya Jaiswal, in a recent interview, discussed the age gap with her Daaku Maharaaj co-star Nandamuri Balakrishna, emphasizing that chemistry and connection matter more than age in acting and ...
Pragya Jaiswal is currently on cloud nine following the success of her recently released film Daaku Maharaaj. In the film, ...
Pragya Jaiswal celebrates the success of 'Daaku Maharaaj', where she stars as Kaveri, an engineer-turned-dacoit who is both ...
In an interview with Hindustan Times, Pragya Jaiswal talks all about her latest release Daaku Maharaaj, playing a pregnant ...
Nandamuri Balakrishnas upcoming film, the hyped sequel to Akhanda, AKhanda 2 Thandavam, is on the sets and the expectations ...
Says Pragya Jaiswal who’s on a roll with back to back hits, Khel Khel Mein and Daaku Maharaaj. The actor talks about what it ...
Pragya Jaiswal is on a roll—what with back to back hits, Khel Khel Mein and Daaku Maharaaj. In an exclusive interview with ...