FAMU-FSU College of Engineering researchers have created a new method for studying protein degradation within immune cells ...
SCIENTISTS have discovered a simple way to remove microplastics from tap water – after the tiny plastic fragments were linked ...
One state official shared internal data that showed satellite service costs consumers 53% more over the course of 30 years.
IF you’ve ever spotted the little silica gel packets that come inside new handbags or with new shoes DON’T chuck them away.
Lynn Siebers loved long motorcycle rides, visiting state and national parks far and wide. She loved to travel, and to visit family.
Fiber costs at least $1,500 per location to install. By contrast, Starlink, which is part of Musk’s Space Exploration ...
Miami resident Bella Thompson has launched an online custom jewelry store called Bea Vintage. Using a combination of vintage jewelry pieces, beads, pearls, colorful bows and antique watches, pendants ...
Jeannine Luby grew tired of seeing litter scattered throughout Scranton and set out to make a difference. After originally embracing the Swedish practice of “plogging” — picking up trash while out ...
You like to spoil your "baby," so get them a collar that shows everyone who's top dog in the neighborhood. View Entire Post › ...
Editor's note: "Make a Difference is a weekly column by Meredith Moss, who writes about Dayton-area nonprofit organizations and their specific needs. Email your nonprofit's needs to ...