When Megan Homolka, nurse practitioner, visits Pawnee Valley Community Hospital (PVCH) twice each month, she not only cares for patients, she also educates them about heart conditions and diseases.
The Juvenile Hall poetry program was looking for a way to share students’ work just as the county office of education was launching a magazine. The two needs aligned for the inaugural issue.
PCPA’s “Much Ado About Nothing” is a briskly paced, clearly rendered vision of one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies, chock full of ingenuity and wit.
During American Heart Month, the Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center is urging its patients and the community to know their numbers. The hospital hosted a Cardiovascular ...
The vice president’s mangling of the Christian ordo amoris is just a smokescreen for the largest deportation operation in ...
ROBERT FROST: Whose woods these are, I think I know. His house is in the village, though. He will not see me stopping here to watch his woods fill up with snow.
The father of gastronomy is regarded as Archestratus, an ancient Greek poet and philosopher in the mid-4th century BCE ...
Esther Freud introduces an extract from the heartbreaking wartime diaries of Edith Velmans, born 100 years ago ...
When the spiritual leader of a commune dies, all within it are left reeling. “Good Tidings,” a UCLA alumnus-written play ...