We love sampling the many variations of Old Fashioned cocktails around town. Here’s where we found some of our favorites.
Discover luxury champagne cocktail recipes for Valentine’s Day, including Fettercairn’s 200th anniversary drink and classic ...
The old fashioned is a cocktail that has seen many variations down the years, but few so intriguing and delicious as this ...
An old fashioned is a classic cocktail, timeless and elegant, but if you want to change things up, give it a Mexican spin by swapping out the whiskey.
Using local ingredients like hoja santa, huitlacoche, insects, and a variety of mercurial spirits, bartenders in the Mexican ...
Order an old fashioned most places in the country, and you're probably going to get a pretty simple drink: whiskey with bitters and sugar. But order an old fashioned in Wisconsin and you'll get ...
In 2024, the most ordered drinks away from home were, according to CGA by NIQ’s Cocktail Sales Tracker, Margarita Mojito Espresso Martini Martini Old Fashioned The margarita has topped the list ...
I grabbed a Cafe Old Fashioned to see what a real barista could add to a beloved cocktail. What came in the glass was an excellent profile of bitter espresso complimented by a bright citrus aroma.