Salouencs i cebetistes s’enfrontaran aquest diumenge a les 18.15 al pavelló del Milà en un partit que promet ser vibrant ...
L'accidentat era una escalador que va haver de ser traslladat per personal del GRAE fins a l'ermita de la Mare de Déu de la ...
El Tast de Jocs, el festival de jocs de taula a Manresa organitzat pel CAE amb el suport de l’Ajuntament de Manresa, bufarà ...
Ja és costum. Un dels dos partits independentistes anuncia una negociació amb l’Estat favorable a Catalunya en allò que sigui ...
Una dotació aèria i cinc de terrestres dels Bombers de la Generalitat, entre les quals efectius dels GRAE, van protagonitzar ...
and is Chairman of the OCA’s Peace Through Sport Committee. Over the past decade, Prince Feisal has been committed to fostering the use of sport for peace and development across the diverse Asian ...
Quan molts catalans estrictes es refereixen, encuriosits, a València, la pregunta sol ser recurrent: “Però els valencians com ...
Slugger Joc Pederson seems happy to have landed with the Texas Rangers, hopeful he can help elevate them to the same sort of top-tier offense he was a part of with the Diamondbacks last season.
Yung Joc opened up on the death of his family members in an apartment fire last week (Image via Paras Griffin/Getty Images) Well-known rapper Yung Joc recently revealed in an interview on the ...
The incumbent president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will officially step down as a member of the organisation following the transfer of leadership to his successor in June, the ...
The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) has reportedly begun preliminary talks with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in an effort to overturn its suspension and reclaim its place within the ...