The newest additions to the line-up include soft vinyl figures of “Godzilla Minus One” (including one Amazon-exclusive “Godzilla Minus Color” variant), Godzilla ’89 and Mechagodzilla ’93.
A sequel to Godzilla Minus One is officially underway - and with a much a larger budget this time around.
Takashi Yamazaki, the Oscar-winning writer, director and VFX supervisor of “Godzilla Minus One,” was among the honorees who shared their views on AI at the Visual Effects Society Awards on ...
This is just the latest in a long string of awards wins and successes for Godzilla Minus One that also included the very first Academy Award win in Toho’s long history of the franchise.
The newest additions to the line-up include soft vinyl figures of “Godzilla Minus One” (including one Amazon-exclusive “Godzilla Minus Color” variant), Godzilla ’89 and Mechagodzilla ’93. According to ...