Bridging the gap between quantum technologies and fundamental sciences opens pathways for groundbreaking innovations in both domains. In high-energy ...
Dynamical Fermions: Fermions that interact with gauge fields and contribute to the mass of other particles through their dynamics. Gluon Propagator: A mathematical function that describes how ...
The result is sensational; dark energy contributes around 68% of the total mass. Around two-thirds of ... primordial soups of quarks and gluons, or massive neutron stars. New questions that ...
Particle detectors play a crucial role in our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. They allow scientists to study the ...
Through QCD we can describe the proton as a superposition of quark-gluon states that can include states of different ... which generate high-momentum nucleon pairs with low center-of-mass momentum ...
(bell chimes) Mass spectrometry, excuse me ... What fundamental interaction, which is carried by gluons, holds together the protons and neutrons in an atom's nucleus? - Strong force.
The axions would be produced from a quark-antiquark pair u u ¯ or d d ¯ , in loop(s) involving gluons. The chiral anomaly of QCD and ... and limits on the QCD mass m a . In this model, axions decay to ...
Physicists know from previous experiments that what happens at the nuclear scale to protons and neutrons also affects their ...
Researchers have been working for decades to understand the architecture of the subatomic world. One of the knottier ...