Mary Kay Ash started a company to empower working women. Chief People Officer Melinda Foster Sellers tells Newsweek why that ...
Mary Kay said that Tara Eustace will lead the global opportunity and sales organization with a core mission: to put the “Mary ...
“When Mary Kay Ash founded our company, she knew that no greater opportunity existed for women than the one we have to offer. I am energized to ignite innovation, empower our Independent Beauty ...
„Amikor Mary Kay Ash megalapította cégünket, tudta, hogy a nÅ‘k számára nincs nagyobb lehetÅ‘ség, mint amit mi kínálunk. Alig várom, hogy beindítsam az innovációt, támogassam ...
As International Women's Day (IWD) approaches, this leadership appointment by the Chief Executive officer, Ryan Rogers, honors Mary Kay Ash’s legacy of empowering women. A trailblazer and long ...
Sammons Cancer Center. This leadership appointment by Ryan Rogers honors Mary Kay Ash’s legacy of empowering women. At Mary Kay, women make up 63% of the R&D team, 54% of the executive team, and 63% ...
George Foreman was a remarkable boxer - but his name is better known worldwide due to a hugely successful business deal in ...