4) The Assumption This marian dogma was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950 on his Encyclical Munificentissimus Deus. A distinction needs to be made between Ascension and Assumption.
It was in Rome, towards the end of the eighteenth century, one fine evening in May. A child of the poor gathered his companions around him and led them to a statue of Mary, before which a lamp was ...
Marian Barbu este unul dintre antrenorii pitoreşti din fotbalul nostru. Cel poreclit "Magiun" e de părere că Sepsi are nevoie de o mână forte în vestiar. Marin Barbu este unul dintre antrenorii ...
O firmă deținută indirect de frații Pavăl, fondatorii Dedeman, va primi licența pentru exploatarea comercială a capacităților de producere a energiei electrice. Profit.ro a anunțat recent ccă aceasta ...