People in Akita Prefecture, northeastern Japan, have flown kites in a festival to mark the first signs of spring as the snow ...
known for their nutritional benefits.Monica also grows traditional African leafy vegetables like black nightshade (managu or sucha), amaranth (terere), cowpea leaves (kunde) and spider plant (saga).
Just how does she fuel such a lithe, lean running machine? “I love ugali and chapati, taken with kuku (chicken), milk and managu,” said Ng’etich. “I do not eat red meat at all for medical reasons. It ...
Read: Paulina Mokhothu: Creating fashion with cultural significance Kerubo is involved in adding value to amaranth, African night shade (managu), collard greens (sukuma wiki), spinach, kunde, saget, ...
We don’t talk like Americans, we speak in Kisii and we don’t care. I have a garden where I plant traditional vegetables like managu. “I come from Kisii land and we have managu and saga and we have ...