Driver monitoring systems are coming – but if their data is recorded, can we be sure it will not be used for more nefarious purposes?
The film emphasizes the importance of safety when using power tools in a workshop. It outlines key safety practices, such as ...
Learn about the importance of thorough risk assessments led by machine safety experts to identify hazards from moving parts, ...
A look back at the Office of Technology Assessment, the Congressional think tank that detected lies and tested tech.
How the RISC-V architecture’s inherent traits align with the demands of functional safety standards like ISO 26262.
A recent patent application from Laleh Rad, associate professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology at Northwestern University, describes the use of machine learning for real-time risk assessment ...
he made a successful dash for safety, and then turned and got the machine gunner with rifle fire—three shots in the stomach.” “The machine gunners lie in wait for us. They’re very patient.
TorchGeo is a Python package for integrating geospatial data into the PyTorch deep learning ecosystem, making it easy for machine learning and remote sensing experts to use geospatial data in their ...
This paper proposes a novel gas pipeline failure risk assessment model based on Bayesian network optimized by machine learning ... statistical data from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety ...
This machine learning algorithm outperforms standard of care (ie, risk assessment with the Braden Scale ... for developing in-house predictive algorithms for rare patient safety events. A limitation ...
Teamwork climate (71.7) showed almost favourable scores, but safety climate (66.2), working conditions (66.8) and stress recognition (62.9) had lower mean scores. Perceptions of management (57.9) ...