With the Wano arc and Gear 5 Luffy transformation, has the One Piece anime finally surpassed the manga in animation quality and pacing?
The One Piece Chapter 1140 spoilers have revealed how the Scopper Gaban vs. Luffy battle ends, so don’t miss it! Find out more about the leaks here.
Full details for One Piece Chapter 1140, which pits Luffy against the left-hand man of the former Pirate King.
Shanks, Ace, and Luffy's discussion about Blackbeard's sleeplessness points to a major detail in the One Piece series that ...
The One Piece Chapter 1140 brief spoilers are out, revealing more about the Luffy Vs. Gaban battle as well as other details.
From a One Piece-inspired pirate club in Tokyo to a strength spot in Oklahoma, fitness pros are using your favorite ...
But, it’s hard not to trust.” Drummer for rock juggernaut The Black Keys, Carney’s arms, much like they appear onstage, are moving around wildly to properly articulate just how upset he and ...
Luffy's journey to become Pirate King has been part of an ancient plan. The theory suggests his actions, dreams, and aspirations were influenced by this plan. The true role of Luffy, the Hito Hito ...
claims that “almost everyone” at the Trump inauguration party was “white” and failed to mention that the party’s host was black. The cover image shows a room full of white revelers at a ...
"New York Magazine literally cropped all the Black people out of this cover photo and then complained that ‘the entire room is White.’" While the "entire room is White" quote came from an ...