Untuk TNI Darat (AD), ada 30 perwira tinggi (pati) yang dirotasi dan dimutasi. Rotasi dan mutasi jabatan ini tertuang dalam Keputusan Panglima TNI Nomor Kep/133/I/2025 tanggal 31 Januari 2025, ...
Hari ulang tahun (HUT) ke-75 satuan Kavaleri TNI-AD diperingati pada tanggal 9 Februari 2025. Ini merupakan peringatan hari jadi Kavaleri sejak dibentuknya satuan lapisan baja Tentara Nasional ...
PURWAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - TNI Angkatan Darat (AD) baru saja meresmikan program agroforestry atau pemanfaatan lahan menjadi tanaman hutan di daerah Darangdan, Gununghejo, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa ...
Kolonel Kav Didi Carsidi menceritakan bagaimana awal mula dirinya menjadi prajurit TNI AD. Alih-alih mimpi sejak kecil, Ia justru baru mengenal lebih dalam soal TNI karena temannya. Tak hanya itu, ...
A gun-toting man who a Colorado deputy shot and killed in a parking lot outside a family entertainment center during an "active shooter" call Saturday night is believed to be connected to a female ...
Budweiser broke out the Clydesdales to win USA TODAY Ad Meter 2025, the ninth time the brand has claimed the prize as the Super Bowl's best commercial. The beer brand brought back the beloved ...
For the ninth time, Budweiser emerged as the winner of USA TODAY’s Ad Meter contest as viewers voted “First Delivery,” a tale of a Clydesdale foal proving its mettle, the No. 1 commercial in ...
The Wisconsin ad was part of a series of 50 commercials from 50 different states’ small businesses that show how they use Google Workspace with Gemini. CNN’s Clare Duffy contributed to this ...
They are available for $20. The Super Bowl ad — which was not shown nationally but, according to multiple reports, was at least seen in the Los Angeles area — shows Ye in a dentist's chair ...
In lieu of an ad featuring larger-than-life cameos and in-your-face punchlines, the quiet commercial featured the monologuing Indiana Jones star discussing how life doesn’t “come with an owner ...
sebanyak 65 perwira tinggi dari 30 Pati TNI AD, 24 Pati TNI AL, dan 11 Pati TNI AU," kata Kepala Pusat Penerangan TNI Mayor Jenderal Hariyanto dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Senin, 10 Februari 2025.
The Philadelphia Eagles weren’t the only ones that had a great Super Bowl. USA Today’s 37th annual Ad Meter ranked the best commercials from the big game, in which the Eagles thumped the ...