The current world-record archery bighorn measures 209 1/8 inches and was taken in Pennington County, South Dakota, in 2018.
But on a warm afternoon in December, 77 of these animals were captured near the town of Alpine and hauled back home to build ...
The deadline for hunters to submit big game hunting licenses for 2025 is less than a week away. Hunters have until 8 p.m.
Applications for the so-called “Big 3” hunting seasons must be submitted before midnight, March 26, the North Dakota Game and ...
There has been a sharp rise in the number of attacks on sheep by dogs. The increase is thought to be in part because of a ...
DIGS have continued at the Co Kerry farm of Mike Gaine as cops search for the missing sheep farmer. Gardai also placed a ...
They may look like your usual bundle of fluff or large Labrador pup, but these Maremma sheepdogs are a breed of their own. A ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services responded to reports of a predator killing five sheep in north-central Wyoming on Saturday. The agency found evidence pointing to a wolf attack, ...
The infected sheep in Yorkshire has been culled and sent ... after prolonged contact with a large number of infected birds on a farm. The patient was admitted to a High Consequence Infectious ...
Locals in an area of Lancashire have had enough of sheep allowed to run amok in residential areas where they have been ...
A MAN has been arrested in connection with an investigation into a large-scale sheep theft from a Newcastle Emlyn farm. Dyfed-Powys Police are investigating reports that around 75 sheep were stolen ...
When Raia Olsen, owner of Oahu Grazers, pulls up to the solar farm in Mililani and lets her flock of sheep out of the trailer ...