A golden retriever and a German shepherd challenged each other to a spaghetti eating competition, and the results have left ...
a Lab or a golden retriever? Both Labs and goldens can be trained to perform a wide range of tasks, from making multiple blind retrieves to working as seeing-eye or other types of service dogs.
Related: Bernese Mountain Dog 'Shows Her Baby Sister Snow' in Core Memory Moment A commenter named Tim got it right when he said, "The Golden's joy was infectious, and the Labrador Retriever ...
Puppies often want what they can't have—like a toy being played with by another dog ... a golden retriever, sneakily attempting to steal a blue octopus toy from Donna, a rescued Labrador.
Bullock’s new book features some of the worlds best loved dog breeds such as the Labrador retriever and border collie, as ...
A vet nurse named Jade has shared her top five list of dog breeds she would recommend to families with children, including ...