Kia Ray är född ur Sydkoreas speciella system för bilskatt där bilar kortare än 3,6 meter och smalare än 1,6 meter premieras.
Anurag Kashyap takes delivery of a new Mahindra XEV 9e. Here's what is special about the SUV Hyundai, Kia's anti-theft ...
While the Camry outsells the Accord, it doesn’t surpass it. The Accord’s styling is classically conservative yet modern, in ...
Tre laddhybrider med fyrhjulsdrift och plats för sju åkande. Blir det kantiga nykomlingen Hyundai Santa Fe, långa Mazda CX-80 ...
Kim Do-young was substituted out due to a left hamstring injury during the opening game against the NC Dinos at Gwangju-Kia ...
The KGM Musso EV is Korea’s first electric pickup. It’s not from Hyundai or Kia. Launched earlier this month, the electric truck is already racking up orders. The Special Edition version sold out in ...
A pedestrian was taken to a hospital with severe injuries after he was struck by two vehicles Saturday evening along East ...
Porsche SE , Volkswagen's biggest shareholder, is not considering selling voting shares in Europe's largest carmaker, the ...
KIA Tigers Cho Dae-hyun, a promising pitcher in the first round last year, did not pitch well even in his second start. Cho ...
But the Trax, while nicely equipped and reasonably priced, doesn't get phenomenal fuel economy, and with only 137 horsepower ...
Lanseringen i Europa är planerad till andra halvåret 2025. Kia Concept EV2 är en konceptbil som ger en försmak av hur Kias framtida småbilar kan komma att se ut. Det är en kompakt SUV med en ...
KIA improved to 2 wins, 1 draw, and 2 losses, achieving a .500 win rate with back-to-back victories in the exhibition games.