Lantas pada Sabtu (8/2/2025) malam tiba-tiba saja Kantor Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN) mengalami kebakaran membuat kertas arsip di dalamnya hangus. Nusron ...
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem clashed with a CNN host over trust in government despite being a federal official while defending tech mogul Elon Musk’s access to sensitive ...
Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem said Sunday that she is in favor of getting rid of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in its current form. “I would say, yes, get rid of FEMA the way ...
Petugas damkar ini berupaya memadamkan api di gedung tersebut. WARTAKOTALIVE.COM - Sejumlah kertas dan arsip Kementerian ATR/BPN disebut ikut terbakar dalam kebakaran yang terjadi Sabtu (8/2/2025) ...
“But you are the government now,” said a surprised Bash. Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem told the public that they can’t trust the government - and is promptly reminded that she is ...
Dimana ada campuran kayu dari meja yang terbakar beserta kertas yang terbakar. "Kalau yang di abu itu ya bercampur, ada yang kertas yang terbakar, ada yang kayu terbakar," kata dia, Minggu, 9 Februari ...
Donald Trump’s new secretary of Homeland Security forgot which side she was on. Kristi Noem was grilled Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union about Elon Musk’s role in the federal government and his ...
Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem sparked those concerns on Sunday when she suggested that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) could be the next to go. Approximately 10,000 people ...
Berdasarkan informasi, kebakaran terjadi di Gedung Humas, diduga akibat korsleting listrik. Kebakaran menghabiskan kertas-kertas arsip di atas meja hingga menghasilkan asap tebal. Tak ada korban jiwa ...
Namun, api yang berkobar telah menghanguskan sejumlah kertas arsip di ruangan itu hingga menimbulkan asap tebal. "Sekuriti menangani api awal dengan apar. Namun api sudah membakar kertas-kertas arsip ...
Dari seluruh ruangan hanya sekitar 20-25 persen (yang terbakar). "Karena ini ruangan humas, banyak kertas-kertas lembaran yang terbakar," kata dia. Lantai 1 gedung Kementerian ATR/BPN terbakar sekitar ...
After imposing Hines’ 75-month prison term, U.S. District Judge Kristi K. Dubose ordered him to serve five years of probation upon his release. After imposing a 10-year sentence, Moorer revoked ...