Masih dalam halaman yang sama dijelaskan bahwa masing-masing ukuran ditandai dengan angka di belakangnya. Contohnya adalah A4 ...
Amid a slew of recent electric vehicle arrivals, Audi has been rejigging its lineup – if you were a fan of the outgoing A4 line, it’s become absorbed by this – the all-new Audi A5 Sportback saloon., JAKARTA – Manajemen produsen kertas Grup Sinar Mas, PT Oki Pulp & Paper Mills mengumumkan perubahan pemegang saham pengendali terakhir (PSPT) sebagai bagian dari proses suksesi ...
Wakil Menteri Perindustrian Faisol Riza mengatakan, industri pulp dan kertas memiliki kontrobusi yang signifikan terhadap perekonomian. Secara nasional, nilai ekspor industri ini mencapai US$ 8,28 ...
The A5 route has been shut from Junction Seven towards Shrewsbury, following an incident shortly after 7am. The major crash has caused long tailbacks for traffic driving towards Shrewsbury.
The crash took place shortly after 7am today (January 13), on the A5 westbound, heading towards Shrewsbury. West Mercia Police said a man had been arrested on suspicion of causing death by ...
TRIBUNBANTEN.COM, SERANG - Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup (KLH) masih melakukan penyelidikan terkait pencemaran Sungai Ciujung, Kabupaten Serang, Banten. Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Hanif Faisol Nurofiq ...
You could set your watch to Audi having an estate, or ‘Avant’ model in its range. This is the latest one: the Audi A5 Avant, and the firm is hoping that it will topple the BMW 3 Series Touring as the ...
Tampil di urutan kedua pada live showcase tadi malam, Selasa (7/1/2025), Kenriz membawakan lagu berjudul Perahu Kertas yang dipopulerkan oleh Maudy Ayunda. Penampilannya itu berhasil membuat para juri ...
The Browning A5 shares a profile and a nickname with John M. Browning’s classic Automatic 5 semiauto, but inside it’s a different completely different gun. The new A5 is an inertia-operated ...
The MHEV Plus system also seen on the regular A5 has been implemented to alleviate some of the S5’s environmental impact, all while supplementing the engine with a helping hand during ...