Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday called for the Supreme Court to review bias response teams on college campuses out of ...
Wars are not won merely by bombs. Today, they are won by bankrupting and impoverishing people (sanctions against nations and ...
Justice Clarence Thomas said the Supreme Court should overrule or limit a 75-year-old ruling in a dissent published on Monday ...
Conservative Supreme Court Justice Thomas Clarence has accused the Supreme Court majority of stretching the law "at every ...
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote Monday that the Supreme Court should not let “confusion persist” regarding students’ free ...
The Supreme Court rejected Indiana University's free speech case, sparking a dissent from Justice Clarence Thomas, who warned of a “patchwork of First Amendment rights” for students.
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote Monday that the Supreme Court should not let “confusion persist” regarding students’ free ...
The Supreme Court declined to review cases challenging abortion clinic protest limits. Justice Clarence Thomas condemned the ...
The Supreme Court's most conservative justice has called for the court to revisit the decision establishing the right to same-sex marriage.
The US Supreme Court dealt a setback to abortion opponents, refusing to reconsider a 2000 decision that lets states and ...
SCOTUS vacated the death sentence of an Oklahoma man named Richard Glossip. But we should take a closer look at the dissent by Justice Clarence Thomas.
WHAT WILL WE SAY about the Supreme Court when the storm has passed? That it was strong? That it stood firm against a rogue ...