I have an IRA in short-term bonds of $5,000 but it has not grown at all in 14 years. What advice would you give me? Should I work with a financial planner to figure out a better solution?” (Looking ...
Jim Cramer, host of Mad Money, made a compelling argument on Monday that parents should begin investing for their children as ...
Carmelo Camilleri says he learned the importance of owning as a kid. His dad taught him, "When you're renting, you're ...
A custodial Roth IRA is a retirement account for minors that allows for tax-free growth. It provides all the benefits of a regular Roth IRA, but it’s geared toward kids and requires an adult to set up ...
Say you made saving for your kids’ college education a priority, but then grandma swoops in and pays for everything. What happens to the money in their 529 plans? A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged ...