Efforts are continuing to free a whale which has become entangled in a rope at a fish farm off the Isle of Skye. A member of the public spotted the humpback in difficulty and contacted British ...
A whale has been freed after becoming entangled in rope at a fish farm off Skye (Anthony Rigell/PA) Rescuers have freed a whale that became entangled in a rope at a fish farm off the Isle of Skye.
Rescuers have freed a whale that became entangled in a rope at a fish farm off the Isle of Skye. A member of the public spotted the humpback in difficulty at the Invertote salmon farm and contacted ...
Efforts are continuing to free a whale which has become entangled in a rope at a fish farm off the Isle of Skye. A member of the public spotted the humpback in difficulty and contacted British Divers ...
Rescuers have freed a humpback whale that became entangled in rope at a salmon farm off the Isle of Skye. A member of the public spotted the animal in distress at the Invertote farm at around 8 ...
Feasting my way around the Isle of Skye - TOP TABLES: What happens when a food writer swaps London’s bustle for Scotland’s beauty? Lilly Subbotin discovers the unexpected culinary delights of Skye – f ...
Rescuers have freed a humpback whale that was caught up in a rope at a fish farm off the Isle of Skye. The mammal was spotted by a member of the public being in difficulty at the Invertote salmon ...