Layoffs at IBM have impacted Research Triangle Park — again. It’s unclear how many people were impacted locally, but workers ...
To systematically end active awards is a departure for NIH, which has terminated grants to Duke, UNC and RTI International.
The tech company has declined to share how many people may have lost their jobs at its Research Triangle Park campus.
A regulatory filing shows new details about IBM layoffs in North Carolina, just not in Research Triangle Park. IBM (NYSE: IBM ...
Which company has replaced IBM as the largest employer in Research Triangle Park? And who are the top hirers in Wake, Durham, ...
EPA chemist Mark Strynar explains how the federal agency identifies new environmental pollutants at his lab in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park Brian ... call, IBM told investors it ...
Liquid cooling isn’t new; IBM designed the first water-cooled system on its ... a chief systems architect at the Research Triangle Park-based broadband service nonprofit MCNC. “You’ve got water and ...
Few deny that change is needed at colleges and universities, but those changes can’t be “burn the place down” dramatic.