V. Let us bless the Father, and the Son with the Holy Spirit. R. Be praised and exalted above all things for ever. Let us pray. Almighty, ever-living God, who have permitted us, your servants ...
for there is only one God, the almighty Father ... The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.' [2 Cor 13:14; cf.
The Almighty is always faithful, He never fails, and if we take a closer look throughout our past, we notice that He has been ...
Our flesh wants a cozy relationship with God, but the closer we are to Him, the more sacrifice and suffering we will endure.
The Wichita City Council hosted a vigil to remember and honor the victims of a midair collision who are believed to have ...
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We participate through our presence and our listening, that the words and the music might become a prayer within us and lift us to contemplate God's beauty and glory. The service always includes one ...
A team of Palestinian and Israeli directors take a daring approach to the subject. But the Oscar-nominated film could not find a U.S. distributor. By Alissa Wilkinson Kristen Stewart and Steven ...
Sister Constance Veit points out that the holy year the church is celebrating calls everyone to sing in a choir of hope, which we experience by visiting the sick and the elderly.
After more than a decade in Australian indie- rock scene, Holy Holy is stepping away from the spotlight—at least for now. “It’s been one of the greatest honours of my life,” Carroll says of their ...
See a complete list of the Abbey's upcoming choral services and organ recitals. You are also able to see our calendar for the weeks ahead and view orders of service for selected services.