(named for the Latin name of the Western honey bee, Apis mellifera), one of the industry groups involved in the survey. When the beekeepers opened their operations back up after winter, they ...
Pune: Ten people were injured in a honeybee attack at Shivneri Fort in Junnar, about 120km from the city, on Wednesday ...
Two bioassays were administered to determine the dose-lethality response of Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans and the honey bee, Apis mellifera L., to amitraz, flumethrin and fluvalinate. The first bioassay ...
To better comprehend the potential impact of this invasive species, it's crucial to understand the characteristics of Apis florea. These diminutive bees, measuring approximately 3.27 mm in length ...
Fixing steel nails in wooden bee boxes under a bare tree on the bank of River Kabul, Hussain Khan, a progressive beekeeper, is making determined efforts to prepare them before the onset of spring. As ...