Around the same time, Senior Group Leader Stephan Saalfeld alerted Lippincott-Schwartz to high-resolution 3D electron ...
Around the same time, Senior Group Leader Stephan Saalfeld alerted Lippincott-Schwartz to high-resolution 3D electron microscopy images of neurons in the fly brain where the ER was also forming ...
New research reveals that brain cells use a muscle-like signaling mechanism to relay information over long distances.
New research shows that a network of subcellular structures similar to those responsible for propagating molecular signals that make muscles contract are also responsible for transmitting signals in ...
Our biceps and our brain cells may have more in common than previously thought. New research led by the Lippincott-Schwartz Lab shows that a network of subcellular structures similar to those ...
It also reminds us that there’s sometimes some truth to be found in our old sayings, as Lippincott-Schwartz pointed out: “Einstein said that when he uses his brain, it is like he is using a muscle, ...