When a university in a small town closes, the economic impact is significant. Often these universities are one of the major employers in a rural community, providing jobs not just to faculty and staff ...
Throughout his life, Aga Khan IV championed the belief that Islam is a thinking, ...
The Trump administration’s probe into “widespread antisemitism harassment” doesn’t reflect the strides the campus has made ...
A program at Harvard Divinity School is the latest casualty of the ongoing tensions related to the Israel-Hamas war, with the ...
Catherine Curran-Groome, a plaintiff in the Columbia case and an Arab student enrolled in the Master of International Affairs program, said the students were suing because of Columbia’s refusal to be ...
By reexamining 3D images used to map the connections between brain cells, researchers are uncovering new information about a small, elusive, and often overlooked cellular appendage.
I don't like College Republicans United, and they don't like me. But the group absolutely deserves a place to share its ...
A U.S. district judge rejected Cooper University's motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought against it by Jewish students over ...
As the Big East Championship looms at the end of the month, Connecticut has four more meets to tune up before they defend their Big East title.
The joint five-year dual degree program offers exceptional undergraduate musicians the opportunity to earn their master's at ...