In August 1768, under the command of then-Lieutenant James Cook, HMS Endeavour and her crew set sail for Tahiti to observe the transit of Venus - before opening sealed orders for a secret assignment.
They also provided us with a superb visual record of this period of exploration. The HMS Endeavour voyage (1768–1771) was the first devoted to scientific discovery. Cook and his crew, which included ...
She has been replaced by the refurbished Norwegian built HMS Protector The special barge that transported HMS Endurance from the Falklands to UK The Royal Navy's former ice patrol ship HMS ...
The new owners of an exact replica of HMS Endeavour have grand plans to sail the same route as Captain Cook before transforming the vessel into a pub. The ship, currently moored in Whitby harbour ...
Wednesday marks 250 years since HMS Endeavour sailed into Botany Bay. A descendent of one of the Aboriginal men he first encountered there says the anniversary is an emotional one. "As we ...