Watch as vibrant guppies meet the majestic betta fish in this exciting aquarium encounter! From their stunning colors to their unique behaviors, this video dives into the dynamics of mixing these ...
Diet: Omnivore Size: 2 inches Guppies are one of the most popular pet fish and are perfect for a 20-gallon aquarium. These distinctive little creatures come in many colors and tail shapes and are ...
We love dogs. The love we have for dogs has been evident on these pages since the first day I began writing a weekly column many moons ago, ...
Goldfish is a popualr type of freshwater fish. However, bettas, guppies, neon tetras, mollies, platys, and zebrafish are all excellent options if you don’t want to spend too much time caring for a pet ...
Although fun, the schooling fish need an environment that provides lots of enrichment when kept in a smaller tank, increasing ...
These fish tend to be a popular pet among aquarists due to the large range of colors ... Goldfish is the best and most popular freshwater fish for an aquarium. Guppies and Goldfish are hugely popular ...
While most fish reproduce by laying eggs, some species are live-bearing, or viviparous, and carry their offspring internally.
Thanks to expertise from Viruveedu, Madurai aquaculturists now rear breeds such as guppies, fighters, flowerhorns, koi, and mollies. "We started as hobbyists raising fish in small tanks when we ...
Can fish feel pain? The debate rages among scientists as to whether fish do, in fact, feel pain or are just reacting ...
Russian mermaid performer Mariia Zelenina, 22, went viral after a giant fish attacked her by biting her head while she was ...
Water turtles require more extensive care and are recommended to be kept outdoors to help duplicate it's natural environment, ...