The film from directors Arash T. Riahi and Verena Soltiz, written and narrated by Inna Shevchenko, world premieres at ...
Two Trump supporters die and go to heaven. God meets them at the pearly gates and asks them if they have any questions. One of them says, “Yes, what were ...
God is described as male in many religions and referred with masculine imagery, but when asked, many religious types insist ...
In the 2010 book “On Heaven and Earth,” written alongside his friend the Argentine Rabbi Abraham Skorka, Francis denounced ...
So how does God judge popes? It cannot be an easy examination, for Christ tells us that much will be demanded from those to ...
To the ills of this world, Pope Francis calls us to be a Church that ministers to the body, mind and heart of our brothers ...
In the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast, Jesus talks of how even the smallest amount of faith can grow ...
For, while we are truly citizens of heaven through the Sacred Liturgy, we remain citizens of Earth with a mission in Christ's name to bear witness to the Kingdom of God. Not only does our heavenly ...
The Bible says that after the resurrection was completed Jesus, returned to heaven to begin his work as our priest (Hebrews 2:17 and 18).