Goku has suffered plenty of losses in Dragon Ball, but his worst defeat in DBZ was actually a vital moment for the franchise.
Sailor Moon could absolutely defeat Goku at his most powerful without breaking a sweat, and he would be completely ecstatic ...
While Goku uses the base Super Saiyan forms to face off against his evil counterpart initially, the fight quickly goes to the god level. Super Saiyan 4 would not have fit too well within the ...
Vegeta tries to take out Gomah on his own, but he fails despite being able to go Super Saiyan 3. This leaves Goku to finish the job, and he taps into the power that Neva gave him the episode ...
For fans of the series, Super Saiyan 4 might be a touchy subject. The awesome transformation, which sees Goku regain some of his monkey qualities like a tail, a furry body, long hair, and an extra ...
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero has already confirmed some of its new content, and a new trailer highlights more that's coming!
Gohan Beast is debated as being one of the strongest mortals in the multiverse, so could he be God of Destruction level?
In steps Displate. The company known for their metal posters, including their one-of-a-kind Textra finished posters, has a ...
Dragon Ball GT was hated, and many think it shouldn’t have happened. Now we’ve got confirmation of what we always new about the series.
Due to the many martial arts techniques and powers introduced in the series, here's how a perfect warrior could look in ...